Build Your Van

July 21, 2022

Becoming a Van Lifer

Van life is all about freedom and choosing to live on your own terms. It's about rejecting the the mundane cookie cutter lifestyle and rebelling against what most just conform to. Many have sold their brick and mortar homes and have left financially successful careers to embrace a new freedom. Others are looking to escape economic hardship and live, not just survive.

The freedom to go as you please, taking  unmarked roads, and spending time in some of the most beautiful places in the country is why many have chosen this lifestyle. 

Van life is an alternative way of living.  Think of living on a boat, an RV, or tiny home. It's a lifestyle where you live and camp in your vehicle while traveling. 

Essentially, whatever Van life story will be is completely up to you. Regardless if you have a small budget or lots of money to invest in your new passion, it can be as rewarding as you make it. You may be looking for a change of lifestyle, or relief of financial pressures.   Thanks to the vast amount of information available, there's so much you can do and learn from both the greatest of ideas mistakes others have made along the way.

Building your DIY camper van conversion can cost you as little a few hundreds to thousands depending on how far you want to go. There are essentials you will need. Of course, there will always be a bunch of nice stuff you could want to satisfy all the comforts of home. However, this guide will help you work with a bare bones setup all the way to the camper van of your dreams.

When creating this guide, the focus was simple. To turn your van into a home with everything you need to get on the road to start your journey. Not only get on the road but live on it! By the time you are done, your van will have a great rolling home that can go wherever you go. 

It's pretty safe to say that if you are here it's because your plan is to build your van.  And yes, there are turn key ones out there. Even if you can afford them, there is really a lot you can do to make it yours by building from the start.  Also, by building and learning how it all works makes it easier if you anything goes wrong. 

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